Analysis of Reversible Water Marking Techniques and Asymmetric Cryptosystem using DIEC


Ashlin Rushmi C A, Vinoth Kumar C
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai, India


Secure Communication refers to the scenario where the message or data shared between two parties can’t be accessed by an adversary. Whatever type of communication system is in use, it is indispensable to understand the security effects involved. Some essential aspect for secure communications is that of Cryptography and Reversible Watermarking. Here the cover image is embedded with encrypted data by using Difference Pair Expansion Method and is subjected to encryption by using Double Image Encryption Compression technique. Encrypting the image after embedding provides high practical security. On the receiver side the encrypted stego image undergoes the reverse process of embedding and encryption to recover the original image and data. The experimental results showed that our proposed scheme achieved better embedding capacity than the other schemes.


Reversible Watermarking, Difference Pair Expansion, Double Image Encryption Compression