Teaching and Learning with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges


Kamaljit Kaur, Khalsa College, India


The students nowadays are more friendly with tech devices. So, to make it less boring need to start innovative ways that involve technology. Teaching via ICT tools have the potential to make a change in the academic sector. It is a dynamic learning method. It provides more benefits as compared to the traditional blackboard and chalks learning. The whole process of education can sometimes feel tedious for students. In this digital era, ICT use in the classroom is important for giving students opportunities to learn and apply the required 21st century skills. Hence studying the issues and challenges related to ICT use in teaching and learning can assist teachers in overcoming the obstacles and become successful technology users. With the advent of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in education, teachers form their own beliefs about the role of ICT as a teaching tool, the value of ICT for student learning outcomes and their own personal confidence and competency. Barriers exist in integrating ICT in teaching and learning. The barriers are extrinsic to the teacher and include lack of resources, time, access and technical support.


ICT Tools, Teaching and Learning Technology, Issues and Challenges