Applying User Experience and Usercentered Design Software Processes in Undergraduate Mobile Application Development Teaching


Manuel Ignacio Castillo Lopez, Ana Libia Eslava Cervantes and Gustavo de la Cruz Martinez, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico


Agile methods in undergraduate courses have been explored by various authors looking to close the gap between industry and professional profiles. We have structured an Android application development course based on a tailored agile process for development of educational software tools. This process is based on both Scrum and Extreme Programming in combination with User Experience (UX) and User-Centered Design (UCD) approaches. The course is executed in two phases: the first half of the course’s semester presents theory on agile and mobile applications development, the latter half is managed as a workshop where students develop for an actual client. The introduction of UX and UCD exploiting the close relationship with stakeholders expected from an agile process can enhance Quality in Use features. Since 2019 two of the projects have been extended in agreement between the client and students. Students, clients and users have found value in the generated products.


Agile development, User-Centered Design, User Experience, Software development, Undergraduate teaching.