Estimating Cloud Computing Round-Trip Time (RTT) Using Fuzzy Logic for Inter-Region Distances


Ihab Sekhi, Miskolc University, Hungary


Cloud computing is widely considered a transformative force in the computing world and is poised to replace the traditional office setup as an industry standard. However, given the relative novelty of these services and challenges such as the impact of physical distance on Round-Trip Time (RTT), questions have arisen regarding system performance and associated billing structures. The primary objective of this study is to address these concerns. We aim to alleviate doubts by leveraging a fuzzy logic system to classify distances between regions that support computing services and compare them with the conventional web hosting format. To achieve this, we analyse the responses of one of these services, like Amazon Web Services, across different distance categories (near, medium, and far) between regions and strive to conclude overall system performance. Our tests reveal that significant data is consistently lost during customer transmission despite exhibiting superior round-trip times. We delve into this issue and present our findings, which may illuminate the observed anomalous behaviour.


Round Trip Time, Wireless Network, SLA, cloud computing.