Modified Page Rank Algorithm to Solve Ambiguity of Polysemous Words


Rekha Jain, Sulochana Nathawat and G.N. Purohit
Banasthali University, India


Ambiguity in natural language has an effect on Information Retrieval (IR) system in general and websearch system in particular.Word sense ambiguityis the reason behind the poor performance ofIRsystem.If the ambiguous words are correctly disambiguated then IR performance can increase.WSD isdefined asthe task of identifying the sense of word in textual context.Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is thecentral problem of language processing.WSDimproves theIR in many ways.Current IR system do not useexplicit WSD and rely on user typing enough content in the query to only retrieve documents relevant to theintendedsenses.This paper proposes an algorithm for efficient retrieval of informationon the Webaccording to user’sneed.Resultsare more accurate and they areaccording to user’spreference.


Polysemous words, Ambiguity,Word Sense Disambiguation(WSD),, Information Retrieval(IR)