Analyse the Performance of Mobile Peer to Peer Network Using Ant Colony Optimization


S.J.K. Jagadeesh Kumar1 and R.Saraswathi2
1SKCT, India, 2Sri Krishna College of Technology, India


Amobilepeer-to-peercomputer network istheone in which eachcomputer in the network can act as aclient or server for the other computers in the network.The communication process among the nodes in themobile peer to peer network requires more no of messages. Due to this large number of messages passing,propose an interconnection structure called distributed Spanning Tree (DST) and itimproves the efficiencyof the mobile peer to peer network.The proposed method improves the data availability and consistencyacross the entire network and also reduces the data latency and the required number of message passes forany specific application in the network.Further to enhance the effectiveness of the proposed system, theDST network is optimized with the Ant Colony Optimization method. It gives the optimal solution oftheDST method and increased availability, enhanced consistency and scalability of the network.Thesimulation results shows thatreduces the number of message sent for any specific application and averagedelay and increases the packet delivery ratio in the network


MobilePeer to Peer Network, Distributed Spanning Tree, Global Replica Management,ACO,LRM,ORCS.