Selvakumar S1 and Kalaivani.S2
1P.B college of Engineering, India and 2VIT University, India
Aerial surveillance system becomes a great trendy on past decades. Aerial surveillance vehicle tracking techniques plays a vital role and give rising to optimistic techniques continuously. This system can be very handy in various applications such as police, traffic monitoring, natural disaster and military. It is often covers large area and providing better perspective of moving objects. The detection of moving vehicle can be both from the dynamic aerial imagery, wide area motion imagery or images under low resolution and also the static in nature. It has been very difficult issue whether identify the object in the air view, the camera angles, movement objects and motionless object. This paper deals with comparative study on various vehicle detection and tracking approach in aerial videos with its experimental results and measures working condition, hit rate and false alarm rate.
Aerial surveillance, Vehicle Detection, LinearSVM Classification, Boosting HOG, Dynamic Baysian Network, Feature based detection.