Quadrant Based DIR in CWin Adaptation Mechanism for Multihop Wireless Network


V.Karthikeyan1, V.J.Vijayalakshmi2 and P.Jeyakumar3
1SVS College of Engineering, India, 2Sri Krishna College of Engg & Tech., 3India and 3Karpagam University, India


Due to a serious case of plagiarism this paper has been retracted. The paper "Quadrant Based DIR in CWin Adaptation Mechanism for Multihop Wireless Network" authored by V.Karthikeyan, V.J.Vijayalakshmi and P.Jeyakumar DOI: 10.5121/ijci.2013.2404 has been retracted due to a severe case of plagiarism. This paper is the copy of the author "G.Shobana" paper which is already published in another journal.
