M.A.A. Mashud1, S.M.S. Hossain2,M.S.Hossain1, M.A. Razzaque1 and M.S. Islam3
1Islamic University, Bangladesh, 2Govt. B.L. College, Bangladesh and 3Gono Bishwabidyalay, Bangladesh
This paper presents the microcontroller based advanced technique to design and development of a portable radiation survey meter to measure low level gamma radiation using NAI(T1) scintillation detector. A scintillation detector was used as radiation detector and a microcontroller PIC16F876 was used to control the function of the developed system. The microcontroller generated square wave frequency at specified pulse width to produce high voltage (+1200V) and regulates it. The high voltage was required to activate the scintillation detector. Preamplifier and amplifier were designed to make the detector signal for the further amplification. Microcontroller senses the pulses from the amplifier output and processes data by software and displays the results. The microcontroller was programmed using a high level programming language ‘C’ with PCWH compiler.
Gamma ray, Scintillation detector, NaI (T1), PIC16F876, PCWH, Digital and Portable