Minni Mohan1 And Siddharth Shelly2
1M.A College of Engineering and 2Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, India
The ordinary border patrol system suffers from intensive human involvement. Recently unmanned border patrol system consist of high tech devices, like unmanned aerial vehicles, unattended ground sensors, and surveillance towers equipped with wireless camera. However, any single technique encounters inextricable problems, such as high false alarm rate and line of sight constrains. There require a coherent system that co-ordinates various technologies to improve the system accuracy. In this project general idea of boarder security robot, wireless sensor network architecture for border patrol system, is introduced. Border security robot utilize a PIR sensor for human detection, a metal detector to detect the presence of explosives and a wireless camera for monitoring the scenario continuously at the remote station. Mechanical control of robotic vehicle along with robotic arm can be done from the remote station. This is initiated with a Bluetooth module.
PIC, PIR, Metal detector, Wireless camera