Pooja Antony & Prof. Sunny Joseph
Mar Athanasius Engineering College, India
For modern human computer interaction, traditional method based of using keyboard and mouse donot prove sufficient.Especially when thinking of physically handicapped persons,we must try to find the easiest and most comfortable method for human system interaction. The good method for communication process going from man to machine is speech communication. In case of control system, speech communication offers free hand manipulation,which is sometimes very important.In modern era,mouse control has become an important part human computer interaction,which is difficult for physically disabled persons. This paper ‘Hands free computer control’ presents two systems called as vocal mouse and virtual keyboard. The device vocal mouse will allow the users to work on continuous motion control over computer screen including the virtual keyboard created as GUI. This includes commands consists of nine mouse controlling commands,low level acoustic features are extracted in real time using MFCC. Pattern recognition is performed using minimum feature distance technique. Vocal mouse can be used by users without extensive training which is the main advantage of the system.
MFCC, GUI, k-mean clustering, Speech recognition