Tesfayee Meshu and G Sanjiv Rao
Addis Ababa Science & Technology University, Ethiopia
Enhancement in technology is leading to a change in the way governments, individuals, institutions andbusiness entities provide quality services to the citizen. Today's education system plays crucial role for developing cognizance in society so e-government service is obliged to integrate with educational system. In this work we proposed a novel framework for integrating educational service within e-government services. One of the main tasks of this paper is to explore or propose a Secure Examination ManagementSystem (SEMS). The system has been designed using cryptographic primitives, which enables students to take the exam from anywhere. The student is allowed to take the exam after he gives his necessary authentication details. In SEMS, it is important to exclude false students while ensuring the privacy for the honest students. It allows evaluators to share student examination papers for evaluation with proper authentication. This is done using digital signatures, authentication and confidentiality provided by public key cryptographic system.
Framework, Educational System, Secure Examination, E-government services, Encryption, Examination Server, Authentication.