Regulating Generative AI: A Pathway to Ethical and Responsible Implementation


Jonathan Luckett, Marymount University, United States of America


Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more prevalent in our daily lives, and its potential applications are practically limitless. However, as with any technology, there are concerns about how AI could be misused or abused. One of the most serious concerns is the potential for discrimination, particularly against women or minorities, when AI systems are used for tasks like job hiring. Additionally, there are concerns about privacy and security, as AI could be used to monitor people's movements or launch cyberattacks. To address these concerns, regulations must be developed to ensure that AI is developed and used ethically and responsibly. These regulations should address issues like safety, privacy, security, and discrimination. Finally, it is important to educate the public about AI and how to use it safely and responsibly. In this paper, I will examine the AI regulations and challenges that exist today, particularly in the United States. Two regulations I will focus on are the AI in Government Act of 2020 and the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act of 2020. Additionally, I will examine two Executive Orders that have addressed the issue of AI in the federal government. Finally, I will conclude with some policy considerations and recommendations for federal agencies.


Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, ChatGPT,regulation, safety, privacy, security, discrimination, ethics.